Hot Stone is a natural therapy using hot stones to massage the body and benefit physical and psychological levels. Warmed stones are carefully positioned on parts of the client's body to maximize the therapeutic benefit. The stones used are typically river rocks or other very smooth-surfaced stones made of basalt, heated in sanitizing water before use. The high iron content in basalt helps the stones retain heat during the massage. Lomi Lomi massage technique is best known for long, flowing, dance-like strokes, often using the forearms and generous amounts of oil. Gentle stretches and joint rotations are common in this massage, and the therapist may connect the work between two parts of your body at same time. With so many styles, the specifics of a massage can vary: deep tissue, energy work, and more. If you have a favorite, please ask.
Contact Stuart or Kimberly (808) 913-3500 Call or Text
The massage therapist uses slow, deliberate strokes that focus pressure on layers of muscles, tendons, or other tissues deep under your skin. — relieving chronic patterns of tension and helping with muscle injuries, such as back sprain. manipulation of the deep layers of muscle tissue in the body, including the fascia and other supportive tissue that make up joints. The purpose is to reach these layers in order to relax, lengthen and release harmful holding patterns.
Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage
1. Treats chronic pain
2. Lower Blood pressure
3. Reduce stress, anxiety and muscle tension
4. Breaks up scar tissue and adhesions
5. Improves Athletic Recovery and Performance
6. Can help with labor pain and delivery
7. Reduces Arthritis Symptoms
8. Can Help Reduce Neck and Shoulder Pain