Body Evolve is described as a structural integration technique that originated in China. Body Evolve looks at the body as a whole and focuses on the interconnections of the body-aligning, tendons, ligaments, muscles and the bones by gently adjusting their position while the lymphatic system drains and neurological re-education occurs.
Our Modality is a form of manual therapy that is ideal for addressing a wide variety of soft tissue injuries, both acute and chronic. It is both very comfortable to receive and very effective for pain relief and restoration of function.
Kimberly Klein, Master Bodyworker and Teacher, has developed many noninvasive manual techniques to improve health and aging. Her lifetime study is seeking to understand our individual birth equation and how that equation is impacted by environment, activities, occupation, injuries, and consumption choices and consequently how it creates our individual aging process. Kimberly’s goal is for 50-year-old clientele to feel better than they did when they were 30 years old, ultimately improving their fitness, mobility, and quality of life.
Kimberly began training when she was 13 years old. She studied Movement, Ballet and Yoga from April Vihilidahl, and Sadhana Therapy, Chi Qong, Analyzing Movement, Accessing Anatomy, Philosophy and Inner Child from John Vihilidahl. She became an apprentice under John and April Vihilidahl until she was 24 years old. Kimberly became fascinated with how the body and mind works, how trauma affects the body and how movement patterns can be reeducated even with physical issues that occur during development in the womb. She taught yoga and dance for 20 years, including students with disabilities.
Kimberly continued to study, becoming a TBI (traumatic brain injury) representative for the state of Colorado from 2007 – 2012, working with Dr. Magarelli at the AIHAC (allopathic integrative healing arts center) from 2008 – 2011. Kimberly taught continuing education classes for AMTA and became a continuing educational instructor for the NCBTMB.
She has trained privately in a specialized type of Bodywork Style out of Beijing, China and has achieved national recognition of this technique.
Her creation, SPMI/Body Evolve, is described as a structural integration technique that originated in China. Body Evolve looks at the body as a whole and focuses on the interconnections of the body-aligning, tendons, ligaments, muscles and the bones by gently adjusting their position while the lymphatic system drains and neurological re-education occurs. Ideal for addressing a wide variety of soft tissue injuries, both acute and chronic, it is both very comfortable to receive and very effective for pain relief and restoration of function.
(Kimberly has trademarked and patent protected her intellectual property of noninvasive manual techniques.)